Mission Statement
To maintain contact among students and friends
of Lincoln, Clark, and Douglass and other schools previously and
presently existing in Evansville, Indiana. Encourage high culture,
intellectual and moral standards among its members. To inspire such
traits of character among the African
American community members as well as spread such traits and character
throughout the community at large. Also support various charitable and educational purposes in the community.
Lincoln Clark Douglas Alumni History
the fall of 1977 a group of loyal sons and daughters of Douglass and
Lincoln gathered to plan a celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of
the opening of Lincoln School. It was planned for the third weekend of
August 1978. The lion was not dead. He was in hibernation, waiting for
the chance to emerge. Amid cheers, laughter, and tears he roared and
the spirit and the tradition was alive again. The Lincoln Clark Douglass Alumni Association was organized to keep the spirit alive. We are mindful of our community responsibilities.
We accomplish this through our:
- Scholarship Programs
- Donations to churches and various organizations in the community
- Active participation in the Evansville African American Museum
- Donation of Christmas Baskets to Needy Families
Membership Information
Membership is open to former students, teachers, and friends of
Lincoln Clark, or Douglass. You do not have to have attended any of the
schools to be eligible for membership. The membership fee is $12.00 per
year. Membership includes a subscription to the Alumni Newsletter and
access to certain members-only affairs.
To join, fill out the membership application and send it along with a
check or money order to the Lincoln-Clark Douglass Alumni Association,
P.O. Box 385, Evansville, IN 47703.
Contact Us
Lincoln-Clark Douglass Alumni Association, P.O. Box 385, Evansville, IN 47703